
Economic Diversification in the Gulf Region, Volume I

Economic Diversification in the Gulf Region, Volume II

Sustainable Development Challenges in the Arab States of the Gulf

Selected Research & Publications

Access up-to-date information on the investment climate, economic outlook, industry trends, and regulatory framework in the Sultanate.

Oman Vision 2040: Moving Forward with Confidence

Moving Oman towards a more sustainable path of development

Vision 2040 aims to unlock the true potential of Omanis

More Publications
1. جهاز الاستثمار العماني.. نتقدم بثقة 
2 عمان المستقبل: محركات النمو (3/‏‏6)-يوسف بن حمد البلوشي
3 وحدة السياسات العامة.. المطلب الأكثر إلحاحًا
4 Towards a New Philosophy of Economic Management
5 عمان تتحول إلى الطاقة الشمسية
6 عمان المستقبل
7 الإنتاج والتصنيع المحلي مسار لا رجعت فيه
8 الشركات المجتمعية.. وإعلاء المصلحة الوطنية
9 Achieving future developmental goals
10 إرادة التغيير في الإدارة الاقتصادية
11 عمان التاريخ الاقتصادي
12 A transformational vision that requires holistic approach
13 Inspiring Omanis to become more entrepreneurial
14 The banking sector and the winds of change .. the general context
15 The Omani banking sector … the most prominent characteristics
16 The Omani banking sector .. The expected role
17 Domestic production and manufacturing is an irreversible path
18 A transformational vision that requires holistic approach
19 Leadership … and economic development needs
20 Soft power and resources to overcome challenges
21 Reading in the elements of production in Oman
22 Sectors of economic diversification … Mining in focus
23 A new philosophy of economic and investment management
24 Maximizing the benefits of development
25 Towards a New Philosophy of Economic Management (2)
26 Oman turns to solar energy
27 Future Oman
28 Domestic production and manufacturing is an irreversible path
29 Community companies … and upholding the national interest
30 Achieving future developmental goals
31 Oman Economic History
32 Oman Investment Authority … we advance with confidence
33 Future Oman: Drivers of Growth (3/6) – Yousef Bin Hamad Al Balushi
34 Public Policy Unit … the most urgent requirement
35 Reproduction of emerging, small and medium enterprises
36 The tax system is an urgent national necessity
37 The private sector is struggling to survive .. Will it survive ?!
38 Managing the macroeconomic crisis and the role of monetary policy
39 The future of the economy and tracks of re-momentum of growth
40 The Economic and Social Council … an urgent necessity
41 The road to restoring creditworthiness
42 Omani diplomacy … towards a new stage
43 Decentralization … a new approach
44 The labor market in the vision of “Oman 2040”
45 Diversification sectors … Logistics in focus
46 Our traditional sectors … the way to regain the momentum of growth
47 Transformation of frameworks and paradigms is a guarantee of sustainability
48 Oman 2040 … From here we start
49 Will and determination … our way to achieve “Vision 2040”
50 Oman 2040 and empowering the private sector
51 Follow-up and accountability .. the basis of success criteria
52 Economic and social balance program
53 Reforming the banking and monetary sector
54 Shifts in Investment and the Role of the Private Sector
55 Transformations of Investment and the Role of the Private Sector
56 “Vision 2040” entitlements … the role of banks
57 The meeting of the Saudi crown prince and the vision of “the Kingdom 2030”
58 Shifts in Investment and the Role of the Private Sector (1-2)
60 Transformations of Investment and the Role of the Private Sector (2-2)
61 Researchers.. and productive solutions
62 Meeting with the Saudi Crown Prince and the vision of “Kingdom 2030”
63 Promising Duqm
64 The economic rationale for the Omani-Saudi rapprochement
65 Omani-Saudi Relations: A Strategic Perspective
66 Balances for the next stage..scenarios
67 Entitlements 2040.. Balance between accounting and macro policies
68 Entitlements of 2040.. Muscat Stock Exchange as a model
69 القطاع الخاص.. نحو أدوار جديدة (1- 3)
70 القطاع الخاص.. نحو أدوار جديدة (2- 3)
71 Do we have an attractive investment environment
72 Do we light a candle or curse the darkness
73 Is the middle class eroding in Oman
74 Oil prices and economic stimulus
75 Do we have an attractive investment environment?
76 Do we light a candle or curse the darkness?
77 Oman .. between “Corona” and Ukraine
78 Oman’s economic diplomacy
79 Are we suffering from a lack of funding?
80 القيمة المحلية المُضافة.. الواقع والمأمول (1- 3)
81 القيمة المحلية المُضافة.. الواقع والمأمول (2- 3)
82 التعدين.. نحو فلسفة جديدة
83 الارتقاء بمنظومة الإحصاءات الوطنية.. ضرورة ملحة
84 جهاز الاستثمار وتحقيق التوازنات
85 ضخ أموال واستثمارات.. ضرورة حتمية
86 عُمان نحو “بارادايمات” جديدة
87 التجارة المستترة.. إلى أين؟